Saturday 29 May 2010

Interview on Samuel's Oragami

Sean: When did you start to make oragami figures?
Samuel: Third grade.
Sean: Did it take you a long time to learn?
Samuel: No, I learned how to fold them on cartoon TV shows, and use my imagination.
Sean: What is the hardest oragami you've put together?
Samuel: A lobster called"EB".
Sean: Why was this the hardest?
Samuel: Because I combined threee oragami figures.
Sean: What current oragami project are you working on?
Samuel: I am constellation oragami figures.
Sean: Have you always been interested in astronomy?
Samuel: No, I've only been interested in astronomy since kindegarden(four years).
Sean: Do you have an idea what your next oragami project will be?
Samuel: Not yet.
Sean: Well, thank you for the interview and I look forward to seeing your new projects.

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