Saturday 28 February 2009

Cirque Du Soleil

Last Saturday night I went to the circus next to the planetarium and saw Cirque Du Soliel. It was a live show about acrobats, clowns, and even a person with five hoola-hoops around them. In the show there was a man who played with fire and put it into his mouth, I thought it was both cool and scary. I liked the music they played in French, but I couldn't understand it. I thought the singer's voice was especially beautiful. The clown's costume was a little funny because it had big puffy pants that looked funny compared to the other characters who were all dressed in elegant costumes. This show was different than a normal circus show, because it wasn't very noisy and no animals. It made me feel like I was in a dream. If they preform in Taipei again, I will definitely see it again with my family. I also recommend other people to go see it. Talk to you soon,

Field Trip

Yesterday I went to Sanxia with my partents and there workmates. My parents' workmates also took thier families. I woke up at 7:00am and quickly went to catch the bus with my parents. First we fed the goats and one ate the whole bag, it was a little funny and a little scary. We walked back and rode around tandem on a bike. I also played on a wooden beatle with my friends playing Dragon Ball. My parents cooked a lot of food at the bbq, but I just ate a little bit. After lunch I fed some pink fish food to the fish and some turtles also ate the food. One of my friends brothers fell on the rock road and his forehead was bleeding. When we got on the bus I was sitting on a seat above the bus driver. The drive to Old Street was about half an hour. We walked over a bridge and watched some people playing Topes. We stopped and bought two small topes and we all practiced and I learned how to do it, my grandma was pretty good. My Dad also taught me. When we got to the other side of the bridge we ate crossaints which are very popular there. Then I went to the temple and walked around the rest of Old Street. We got back on the bus and rode the bus back to Taipei City. Then I ate my dinner took a bath and went to bed at 9:00, but didn't fall asleep until 11:00. It was a long day but I had fun with my friends and family. Talk to you soon,

Saturday 14 February 2009

Hairy Funny

Last week, my cousin Ryan visited me from Tainan for onng e week, we had a good time together. We had a great time playing with our Transformers. We also enjoyed playing basketball, soccer, and battling with toy swords. We had a good time during our winter break and hopefully we can see eachother during our summer break.
This week Sean and I took a skateboard and a scooter to the park to race and learn how to use a skatebaord. I had a fun time and I think I did pretty well. Yesterday me made an animation praxinascope. It is a tool that turns pictures into cartoons or movies. It was fun and our cartoons looked pretty cool. I made a cartoon about the life of a star. A star begins from a nebula and ends as a black dwarf. I will update you soon, thanks for reading,