Friday 13 March 2009

Swimmer's Test and Home Campout

This Monday, I had a qualifying swimming test at my school. I am one of the top five swimmers out of thirty-one swimmers. Only five people from my class were able to qualify to go to the swimming relay test in about five weeks from now. I have to practice a lot because my legs were tired after the qualifying test, so I need to train more to be ready for the relay. I am so excited to see if my class is number 1!
This weekend I went to Ikea with my family and bought a tent. When we got home I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and started to build the tent with my Dad. It took us half an hour to finish building the tent. It was not easy to put the rods through the cloth to support the tent. When we were finished, the tent looked like an igloo, but not a real one. I went to sleep in the tent, and my Dad even came in my tent for a couple minutes before he went to sleep. I slept alone upstairs in my tent allllllllll night. This was the first time I slept in a tent. Maybe next time I will be outside camping using this tent.
o_to_byeeeeeeeeee_ byeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way I also a found some hard typing games to play, you can practice your own typing here....


  1. Dear Samuel,

    This is the first time I visited your bog and I was so impressed that a 3-grader can write such nice and complete articles. It must have taken you lots of reading and writing practice to achieve this. Nice work!

    Do you know that my name is also Samuel? Even though most of my friends just call me Sam. What a coincidence, isn't it? ;-)

    I also want to wish you a good performance in the upcoming swimming relay competition, and our class (3-1) can score some prize.


    Sam Chang (耀龍daddy)

  2. Oh my goodness, slept alone in a tent upstairs, way to go my dearest boy in the world. Good luck for the upcoming swimming relay, too.

    Auntie Jennifer
    Los Altos, CA

  3. Dear Samuel,

    I can't remember when is the last time I slept in a tent. A hundred years ago, I guess.

    Will you invite me to your tent for a "tent warming party"? Ha Ha.


  4. Dear Sam,
    I am very very very excvited for the swimming relay test. It is a cool coincidence that we have the same first name, but we have different last names, how about your middle name? I have to tell you the truth, I've had a little help from my friend writing this blog.
    See your son tomorrow at school!
    Sam uuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllll

  5. Hi Samuel,

    Even with some help, it's still pretty good. Two thumbs up ;-)

    Let me tell you a secret too, we might want to consider an over-night camping trip as our 班遊 when we move to 4-th grade. However, we'd still need some other parents' approval though.

    So when is your swimming relay test? Warm up for that already? Good luck again.


  6. Sorry, I did not advance to the next swimming race, because only swimmers below 39 seconds can be in the race. My time was 40.2 seconds.
    I am so excited to hear that we might go on an overnight camping trip. I think I might need a new tent though becuase my legs always stick out of my tent. See you soon, don't forget to tell the other classmates I made a blog!

  7. 好可惜只差一點就可以代表班級去比賽
    Sam 要幫班上辦真正的露營真棒
    小騫你可以和 耀龍 一起自告奮勇當 Sam 的好幫手
