Saturday 28 November 2009

Who was the man who invented the light bulb?(Part I)

This fall we began to read a book called Who Was Thomas Alva Edison?. This book tells us about the inventions Tom makes throughout his life with a couple of funny stories. Al's family included his father Samuel, his mother Nancy, two brothers, and a sister. His first invention was an electrical voting machine. When he was growing up Al was a newsboy on the Grand Trunk Railroad, but it didn't last long because Al had a science laboratory on the train and one day he made a big explosion that got him fired. I think his early life was interesting because he made many experiments, for example the phonograph.

As Al got older everyone called him Tom, Tom's inventions got better, and his laboratories got bigger. Tom spent most of his time at work. His compound included his own house, his boarding house, and a few shop's. Tom made an electric pen that was very useful and saved time by making dots to easily copy letters, books. articles, etc.

As Tom grew older, he wanted to make a better light bulb. Tom's light bulb was better because Tom's light bulb could light up hundreds of lights at one time. Today you can see Tom's light bulbs on streets, freeways, in homes, in offices, etc. The invention of Tom's light bulb allows us to have safe light without causing fires or being smelly!

Monday 27 July 2009

Hong Kong Vs. Macao

Earlier this month my family and I flew to Hong Kong and Macao for almost a week, I had a pretty good time. First we went to Hong Kong. My favorite part of being in Hong Kong was going to Disney Land. We went to Disney Land for two days and one night. I really liked the space mountain ride, it was fun and exciting. We also went to the Hong Kong Space Museum. There we saw an IMAX show called "Exploring the Planets". Then we went to the souvenir shop and I bought 2 4-D puzzles, one turns into a Lunar Lander, and the other puzzle turns into a Command Rocket. After Hong Kong we rode a boat to Macao. I thought Macao was very cool. We stayed in the Venetian Hotel. The hotel has casinos, many shops, a pool, restaurants etc. I really like the food in Macao, I especially liked the "Pig Burger" I like to call it a "piggy burger". We stayed in Macao for one day, returned to Hong Kong and flew back to Taipei in time for the solar eclipse. I watched the solar eclipse from my roof, but we had to look through a solar viewer so we wouldn't hurt our eyes. It was very cool.

Thursday 9 July 2009

Transformer's 2 Movie Review(I won't tell you the ending untill you see it!)

I think this movie was very exciting and I definitely recommend you to go see it ASAP! This movie is called "Transformers II: The Revenge of The Fallen". I saw it with my Mom, my Dad, and my Grandma. My favorite characters in the new Transformers movie are Skids and Mudflap, they're twins. My favorite scene is when Optimus Prime, Megatron, and Starscream are fighting. It was my favorite scene because it was very exciting and surprised me. There were only eleven transformers in the first one, and in this one there were 51 transformers! I liked the sequel more than the prequel. Again, I recommend you go see it ASAP!!!!!!!!!! If you have already seen it tell me in your comments.

Saturday 30 May 2009

I ride a bike!

This past Thursday and Friday I had no school because it was the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival, called ''端午節 '' in mandarin, has an interesting story. The story is about Qu Yuan, a poet who disagreed with the Emperor of China hundreds of years ago. He jumped into a river with a great stone and drowned. People got in their boats to search for his body. This began the Dragon Boat Festival. Now people celebrate Qu Yuan by having boat races, eating special foods called rice dumplings, and families get together. I think it is very fun, especially because I have no homework.

On Thursday, morning my grandmother and I took my bike to the university to practice riding. I was both excited and scared, but I trusted my grandmother would be able to teach me. I started out fast, but I fell a couple times and got some cuts on my legs. At lunch time we went back inside, I wasn't perfect yet, but I was getting better.

On Friday morning we went back to the university to try again. I wasn't scared this time. I got better and better all morning. By the end of the morning I could ride without Grandma's help. I was very excited and I hope I can ride my bike to school someday.

Friday 17 April 2009

Transform to life!

Hey guys, do you know about the transformers? Transformers are alien machines that can transform into robots. My favorite transformer is Optimus Prime because he is the Autobot leader. Autobots are the good transformers in the movie "Transformers", and the Decpeticons are their nemesis. Last Saturday I went to the dentist. While I was at the dentist, I made an autobot called "Rachet" with some blocks, and I asked my Dad to take some pictures. Here they so you can take a look. He starts in vehicle mode, transforms halfway, and then transforms fully into a robot. Please view from left to right, hope you enjoy!

Friday 10 April 2009

Swimming ''23'' Rounds!

Last night, I had swimming lessons at SOGO Department store. I went with my grandma. First, I was swam 10 rounds by myself, then I swam thirteen rounds with fourth graders.
When I finished swimming I was very tired because I am just a third grader.
I went to the locker room and took a shower. Then my grandmother gave me a ride back home on her bike. It was very dark when we got home. I ate some bread and drank some milk.
Then I brushed my teeth and watched some news on TV with my Dad.
Finally, I went to sleep in my bed.
By the way, do you know who ROY- G-BIV is?

Saturday 4 April 2009

Tomb Sweeping

Last Sunday, I went "Tomb Sweeping" with my Mom, and her family at a temple in Taipei County. Tomb Sweeping is when we go to our family's tomb to pray and clean the tomb. We brought some ghost money and some food to respect my ancestors. We also prayed and lit three sticks of incense. We stayed there for one hour and then went back home.
Every Chinese New Year my family goes to Tainan to sweep my Dad's Dad's tomb. My Mom's Dad was cremated, but my Dad's Dad was buried in a tomb. When we went to my Dad's Dad's tomb in Tainan my Dad said if everyone is quiet and behaves well we will get my grandfather's favorite yogurt drink. I behaved myself and my Dad gave me the drink

Monsters Vs. Aliens

On Friday Dad and Mom took me to see a movie called "Monsters vs. Aliens". I thought it was a very exciting movie because the Earth was almost destroyed by the Aliens. My favorite part was in the middle when the monsters went to rescue the Earth. My favorite character was Professor Cockroach, because he is very smart and used to be a mad scientist. After the movie I got home late and still had to do my English homework. I went to bed after 11 o'clock. I would recommend everyone to go see the movie!

Friday 13 March 2009

Swimmer's Test and Home Campout

This Monday, I had a qualifying swimming test at my school. I am one of the top five swimmers out of thirty-one swimmers. Only five people from my class were able to qualify to go to the swimming relay test in about five weeks from now. I have to practice a lot because my legs were tired after the qualifying test, so I need to train more to be ready for the relay. I am so excited to see if my class is number 1!
This weekend I went to Ikea with my family and bought a tent. When we got home I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and started to build the tent with my Dad. It took us half an hour to finish building the tent. It was not easy to put the rods through the cloth to support the tent. When we were finished, the tent looked like an igloo, but not a real one. I went to sleep in the tent, and my Dad even came in my tent for a couple minutes before he went to sleep. I slept alone upstairs in my tent allllllllll night. This was the first time I slept in a tent. Maybe next time I will be outside camping using this tent.
o_to_byeeeeeeeeee_ byeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way I also a found some hard typing games to play, you can practice your own typing here....

Saturday 28 February 2009

Cirque Du Soleil

Last Saturday night I went to the circus next to the planetarium and saw Cirque Du Soliel. It was a live show about acrobats, clowns, and even a person with five hoola-hoops around them. In the show there was a man who played with fire and put it into his mouth, I thought it was both cool and scary. I liked the music they played in French, but I couldn't understand it. I thought the singer's voice was especially beautiful. The clown's costume was a little funny because it had big puffy pants that looked funny compared to the other characters who were all dressed in elegant costumes. This show was different than a normal circus show, because it wasn't very noisy and no animals. It made me feel like I was in a dream. If they preform in Taipei again, I will definitely see it again with my family. I also recommend other people to go see it. Talk to you soon,

Field Trip

Yesterday I went to Sanxia with my partents and there workmates. My parents' workmates also took thier families. I woke up at 7:00am and quickly went to catch the bus with my parents. First we fed the goats and one ate the whole bag, it was a little funny and a little scary. We walked back and rode around tandem on a bike. I also played on a wooden beatle with my friends playing Dragon Ball. My parents cooked a lot of food at the bbq, but I just ate a little bit. After lunch I fed some pink fish food to the fish and some turtles also ate the food. One of my friends brothers fell on the rock road and his forehead was bleeding. When we got on the bus I was sitting on a seat above the bus driver. The drive to Old Street was about half an hour. We walked over a bridge and watched some people playing Topes. We stopped and bought two small topes and we all practiced and I learned how to do it, my grandma was pretty good. My Dad also taught me. When we got to the other side of the bridge we ate crossaints which are very popular there. Then I went to the temple and walked around the rest of Old Street. We got back on the bus and rode the bus back to Taipei City. Then I ate my dinner took a bath and went to bed at 9:00, but didn't fall asleep until 11:00. It was a long day but I had fun with my friends and family. Talk to you soon,

Saturday 14 February 2009

Hairy Funny

Last week, my cousin Ryan visited me from Tainan for onng e week, we had a good time together. We had a great time playing with our Transformers. We also enjoyed playing basketball, soccer, and battling with toy swords. We had a good time during our winter break and hopefully we can see eachother during our summer break.
This week Sean and I took a skateboard and a scooter to the park to race and learn how to use a skatebaord. I had a fun time and I think I did pretty well. Yesterday me made an animation praxinascope. It is a tool that turns pictures into cartoons or movies. It was fun and our cartoons looked pretty cool. I made a cartoon about the life of a star. A star begins from a nebula and ends as a black dwarf. I will update you soon, thanks for reading,